Thursday, November 12, 2020

11/9- Service


The 7th grade's service partner this year is 
which provides food to those experiencing homelessness in our area.

This week, the seventh grade made sandwiches
 and packed additional food and drinks
to provide lunches for our service partner to distribute. 

Sandwich-making Station

Bag- packing Station

Labeling Station

In the end they provided thirty lunches for those who need it. 

The executed each part of this service with great attention to detail and concern for the recipients. 
They even  learned some of the finer details of making PB & J appealing. 
Kids are funny sometimes.
Ultimately they fed the hungry
 because that is what we are called to do, 
and they did so with great love. 

Friday, November 6, 2020


 7th Grade has started Piecing Me Together by Renee Watson. The are currently working on figures of speech and imagery, forced compression exercises, comprehension skills, and analytical skills. Further into the book they will be focusing on theme and conflict. 

We are celebrating all religions as a school this month. 
7th grade just finished up a unit on Buddhism and has moved into a unit on Hinduism. 

November 6, 2020

  • Parents - please fill out Pick Up patrol every morning, even if your child will not be attending school that day.

  • As part of initiatives to keep our students well, we ask that snacks and lunches contain minimal sugar.  Students may not bring SODA to school. 

  • The STEAM Lab is cold.  Students are encouraged to have HCA sweatshirt or blazers over their uniforms on STEAM days. 

  • New spirit wear link. 20% off until November 15th


Reminders   Please fill out the  Diversity and Inclusion Survey   if you have not done so already. Please send in your leaf for the school-w...